Let us start by saying quietly to yourself one of the old Celtic prayers, so relevant to us on this Trinity Sunday.
Circle us, Lord:
keep love within and hatred without.
Circle us, Lord:
keep pardon within and injury without.
Circle us, Lord:
keep faith within and doubt without.
Circle us, Lord:
keep hope within and despair without.
Circle us, Lord:
keep light within and dark without.
Circle us, Lord:
keep joy within and sadness without.
Circle us, Lord:
keep peace within and fear without.
Circle us, Sacred Three,
now and forever. Amen.
JESUS, LEAD US TO THE FATHER This song (below) is new to us, but so very simple. If you do find it difficult to pick up (unlikely) then just listen and know of God's presence in your home. TWO STRANDS As well as being Trinity Sunday, today is the first Sunday in the Methodist Church BIBLE MONTH. During June there will be two strands to each of our online services. One will be Kevin's exploration of the book of RUTH (one chapter per Sunday) and the other strand will be from the person planning the overall service. There may be links between the two strands, but not always. This week : Ruth chapter 1 : 'The story of Orpah'. To 'set the scene try to read that chapter to yourself quietly sometime. Kevin's talk on Ruth 1 follows soon. A prayer to lead us into the next song Spirit of God, come as the wind to move us forward; come as the dove to launch us heavenward; come as the fire to purge our dross. Amen. Christina Rossetti SPIRIT OF GOD, UNSEEN AS THE WIND
Orpah ‘the other daughter-in-law’
It’s almost impossible to find prayers or poems or other writings that mention Orpah. She’s the over-looked one, the forgotten one, even the despised one. If you Google her, there’s plenty about Oprah, but very little about Orpah. "Have you noticed that women are still named Ruth these days? I’ve never met a Naomi, but women today still bear that name. But have you ever met a woman named Orpah? No, her name has pretty much been retired. Not because she was a bad person, not a Herod or a Pontius Pilate. She was a good enough person. Her name is in the Bible, after all; only twice, but it’s there. They didn’t name a whole book after her, though. And as far as I know, there’s no “Song of Orpah.” I’ve heard church choirs sing an anthem titled “Song of Ruth.” But who'd write a song for Orpah? Who writes songs about average folk who do as they’re told and fulfil all the requirements?" Clark Blaise, in an essay “Ruth” in Communion, ed. by David Rosenberg HOLY, HOLY, HOLY Kevin's message below covers the first part of the story of Ruth, her friends and family. A prayer-response to the talk Oh God, it’s hard to be overlooked, to be ‘the other one’, to be always in someone else’s shadow, with an easily forgotten name. It’s hard to be misunderstood for the choices we make, to be thought cowardly or boring or safe….If that has been our experience, remind us of what you said about sparrows and the hairs of our heads. Help us to stand tall,assured of our worth to you. And let us hear your voice whispering our name in love. Amen A reflection on the story so far... Grief and choices We see them weeping and grieving together – Naomi, Ruth and Orpah. Everything that was their security in life is gone – husbands, sons, home, the means to live; all had been taken, and they cling together, in an outpouring of love and sorrow. In the midst of the grieving, hard choices have to be made – Where will we go? Who will protect us? How shall we live? "A path is laid out ahead, it forks before your feet. A decision filled with dread,uncertain of what you’ll meet. A game full of chance, of many hidden pit falls. To find true romance, dare you risk losing all? Choices never easy to make, fog seems to cloud your way. You fear making a mistake, of gambling and losing the day. But life is full of Hard Choices, and risk is part of the game. Be brave, ignore doubting voices, make the choice, life won’t be the same". Hard Choices by Jojoba Mansell Prayers of concern... We’re advised, in times of bereavement, not to make life changing decisions; ‘wait and see how you feel in a few months’; ‘don’t rush to sell the house, or move away’. But for some grieving people, decisions have to be made too soon. God of compassion, our hearts go out to these grieving women making impossible choices when life is shattered. We pray for people whose lives are changed for ever by this awful pandemic, and who face hard choices of how to live, how to manage. We pray for courage and strength and wise advice as they face a very different future. We continue to pray for the thousands of refugees and displaced people, whose situation is made worse by restrictions and global lockdown. We pray for them, for the impossible choices they have made and will make, that their cries for help and compassion will not go unheeded We honour Orpah for choosing to stay true to her roots, her heritage, her family, and we honour Ruth for her courage and her daring, to risk another path. Remind us, Lord, we are not all the same, and that’s ok! When people we know make choices we find strange or surprising, give us grace to support them and encourage them on their way, with our blessing. Amen _____________________ Listen to this new (short) song where we call on
the three elements of the Trinity to take care of us. Sing along to it if you are able. What became of Orpah?
"Orpah is one of the many loose ends in the biblical story; its hard losing touch with someone, wondering whatever happened to them. Are there people like that in our lives, perhaps from long ago, whose names we recall but whose whereabouts we don’t know? Pray for them now, name them before God, wish them a happy, or at least a contented life, as we would want to for Orpah. Maybe you envisioned your husband's grave choked with weeds? Maybe you knew the Israelites would scorn your foreign features? The sages say God gave you four sons because you wept as you left her. Or did you bathe your aging parents and die a quiet spinster, comforted by the scent of the wild rosemary outside your childhood home?" Author unknown, from a website 'Veleveteen Rabbi' SING HOSANNA
A BLESSING The blessing today comes from Ireland, sung by Lori True "May the road rise to meet you..." |
S O N G W O R D S Jesus, lead us to the Father Words / Music by Sam Hargreaves © Sam Hargreaves / Jubilate Hymns Spirit of God Author: Margaret V Old Text: © Scripture Union Holy, holy, holy! Words : Reginald Heber. Music : John Bacchus Dykes Public Domain TRINITY CHANT Father stay beside us Jesus hold us nearer Spirit live within us Always. PH 2020 SING HOSANNA Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning Give me oil in my lamp, I pray Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning Keep me burning till the break of day Sing hosanna, sing hosanna Sing hosanna to the servant King Sing hosanna, sing hosanna Sing hosanna, let us sing Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising Give me joy in my heart, I pray Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising Keep me praising till the break of day Sing hosanna... Give me peace in my heart, keep me loving Give me peace in my heart, I pray Give me peace in my heart, keep me loving Keep me loving till the break of day Sing hosanna... Give me love in my heart, keep me serving Give me love in my heart, I pray Give me love in my heart, keep me serving Keep me serving till the break of day Sing hosanna... Written by: A. Sevison, C. Barny Robertson Lyrics © CAPITOL CHRISTIAN MUSIC GROUP, Universal Music Publ. Group |