C O V I D - 1 9
As we continue to live with Covid-19 the Trustees are keen to continue making Wellspring a safe place for all Worshipers and visitors.
- Cleaning is happening regularly as we sanitize touch points around the building.
- Hand Sanitizer is available at the entrance door to use on arrival.
- Ventilation Room doors will be open during meetings to ensure an adequate flow of air
- Social Distancing is no longer required, but we will provide socially distanced seating where possible
- Refreshments will be served. Extra care will be taken to avoid contamination in preparation or serving.
When attending events at Wellspring please help us to keep each other safe.
Please support the Foodbank collections whenever you can with whatever you can.
Donations for the Jigsaw Foodbank are being collected from St Mary's - there's a box by the North door and the Co-op on Harrison Drive.