Worship for Sunday 8th September
10.30 a.m. All age café worship – led by Revd Kevin Price
12.00 noon Wirksworth Festival at Wellspring (see inside)
3.00 p.m. Clypping Service at St Mary’s
12.00 noon Wirksworth Festival at Wellspring (see inside)
3.00 p.m. Clypping Service at St Mary’s
What's on this week
Monday 9th
2.00 p.m. Memory Cafe
Tuesday 10th
9.30 a.m. Coffee Stop
9.30 a.m. Little Springs (in the worship space)
Wednesday 11th
9.00 a.m. Prayer Zone (online)
2.00 p.m. Funeral of John Pearson at Amber Valley Crematorium
3.30 p.m. Celebration of the Life of John at St Mary’s
Friday 13th
3.00 p.m. & 6.30 p.m. Patio Party at the Manse
Saturday 14th
9.30 a.m. Repair Café – with refreshments provided by Christian Aid
Sunday 15th
10.30 a.m. Morning worship with Communion - led by Revd Kevin Price
2.00 p.m. Memory Cafe
Tuesday 10th
9.30 a.m. Coffee Stop
9.30 a.m. Little Springs (in the worship space)
Wednesday 11th
9.00 a.m. Prayer Zone (online)
2.00 p.m. Funeral of John Pearson at Amber Valley Crematorium
3.30 p.m. Celebration of the Life of John at St Mary’s
Friday 13th
3.00 p.m. & 6.30 p.m. Patio Party at the Manse
Saturday 14th
9.30 a.m. Repair Café – with refreshments provided by Christian Aid
Sunday 15th
10.30 a.m. Morning worship with Communion - led by Revd Kevin Price
Coming Up
Patio Party – 13th September
The manse is having a bit of a makeover this summer, so Kevin & Lesley are holding a Patio Party, and yes… on Friday 13th. Do come along for tea and cakes from 3.00 – 5.00 p.m. or wine and nibbles from 6.30 p.m.
Congregational Meeting – Saturday 28th September at 10.30 a.m.
We shall gather to reflect upon and pray for our life together as Wellspring, and all are welcome to join us.
Wirksworth Civic Service – Sunday 29th Sept. 3.00 p.m. at St Mary’s
Traditionally this service celebrates our local democracy and is an opportunity for us to pray for our town and district. This year’s focus will be everyone who volunteers across our communities. All welcome!
A Night of Comedy
The circuit has rearranged A Night of Comedy with Paul Kerensa on Saturday 28th September at 7.00pm at Waingroves Methodist Church. Tickets are £10 each, including light refreshments. To book, please contact [email protected]
Wirksworth Festival - – Art & Architecture Trail: 7th & 8th September
As usual Wellspring will host displays by visiting artists and the U3A Photography Group. Our café will be open from 9.30 – 4.30 p.m. on Saturday and from 12.00 – 4.30 p.m. on Sunday. Our worship space will be transformed into a Jungle Noisy Space for children (and adults) to enjoy. Volunteers are needed to staff the Wellspring kitchen / café and to look after jungle animals (no experience necessary).
Wellspring 10th Anniversary: 21st & 22nd September
This September marks the tenth anniversary of Wellspring and we’re going to celebrate! To mark this anniversary, we will be holding an Open Day on Saturday 21st September, when our café will be open for refreshments and lunch from 10.00 a.m. with displays charting the development of Wellspring, together with the work of various local users of the different spaces. As this weekend falls at the end of Fairtrade Fortnight, a Giant Banana Split will be made (at about 11.00 a.m.) using suitable ingredients and some lengths of plastic guttering (!) which visitors will be invited to help make and eat... Then on Sunday 22nd our Service of Celebration will be held at 10.30 a.m. at which the guest preacher will be Revd John Bayes, formerly minister of the Baptist Church and followed by a Sunday Roast dinner (for £10 & booking required). As part of the celebratory service, we would like to share thoughts and insights from people who’ve been part of Wellspring from the beginning, and those who’ve joined in along the way: What do you want to celebrate on this special day? What event stands out in your mind? What things do you value most about Wellspring? What are the challenges for the next 10 years? Jenny F is collating responses, so please collect a questionnaire from her – if you prefer, email [email protected] or have a conversation! Many thanks!
Jigsaw Foodbank:
There are collection points in the Co-op, St Mary’s and Matlock Sainsbury’s for donations of non-perishable food items
Patio Party – 13th September
The manse is having a bit of a makeover this summer, so Kevin & Lesley are holding a Patio Party, and yes… on Friday 13th. Do come along for tea and cakes from 3.00 – 5.00 p.m. or wine and nibbles from 6.30 p.m.
Congregational Meeting – Saturday 28th September at 10.30 a.m.
We shall gather to reflect upon and pray for our life together as Wellspring, and all are welcome to join us.
Wirksworth Civic Service – Sunday 29th Sept. 3.00 p.m. at St Mary’s
Traditionally this service celebrates our local democracy and is an opportunity for us to pray for our town and district. This year’s focus will be everyone who volunteers across our communities. All welcome!
A Night of Comedy
The circuit has rearranged A Night of Comedy with Paul Kerensa on Saturday 28th September at 7.00pm at Waingroves Methodist Church. Tickets are £10 each, including light refreshments. To book, please contact [email protected]
Wirksworth Festival - – Art & Architecture Trail: 7th & 8th September
As usual Wellspring will host displays by visiting artists and the U3A Photography Group. Our café will be open from 9.30 – 4.30 p.m. on Saturday and from 12.00 – 4.30 p.m. on Sunday. Our worship space will be transformed into a Jungle Noisy Space for children (and adults) to enjoy. Volunteers are needed to staff the Wellspring kitchen / café and to look after jungle animals (no experience necessary).
Wellspring 10th Anniversary: 21st & 22nd September
This September marks the tenth anniversary of Wellspring and we’re going to celebrate! To mark this anniversary, we will be holding an Open Day on Saturday 21st September, when our café will be open for refreshments and lunch from 10.00 a.m. with displays charting the development of Wellspring, together with the work of various local users of the different spaces. As this weekend falls at the end of Fairtrade Fortnight, a Giant Banana Split will be made (at about 11.00 a.m.) using suitable ingredients and some lengths of plastic guttering (!) which visitors will be invited to help make and eat... Then on Sunday 22nd our Service of Celebration will be held at 10.30 a.m. at which the guest preacher will be Revd John Bayes, formerly minister of the Baptist Church and followed by a Sunday Roast dinner (for £10 & booking required). As part of the celebratory service, we would like to share thoughts and insights from people who’ve been part of Wellspring from the beginning, and those who’ve joined in along the way: What do you want to celebrate on this special day? What event stands out in your mind? What things do you value most about Wellspring? What are the challenges for the next 10 years? Jenny F is collating responses, so please collect a questionnaire from her – if you prefer, email [email protected] or have a conversation! Many thanks!
Jigsaw Foodbank:
There are collection points in the Co-op, St Mary’s and Matlock Sainsbury’s for donations of non-perishable food items