Meeting together/ Prayer Zone
Jesus taught his followers to pray. The earliest church devoted itself to prayer. The apostle Paul even challenged the young church to ‘pray without ceasing’!
Prayer can be anytime and anywhere; it may be silent, sung or spoken; with others or alone. It may find many other expressions.
At Wellspring we set aside time and space to pray together. Our chosen banner ‘Prayer Zone’ suggests that the times and places will vary, and they may even be beyond the confines of our building. Our Prayer Zone will be when and where we are together in prayer.
Wednesday Prayer
We meet at 9.30 a.m. every Wednesday to pray together for our church family, our local community and beyond.
For three weeks of the month this will take place on Zoom and following an order for daily prayer such as The Methodist Prayer Handbook or The Northumbria Community. If you are not able to join us then perhaps see if you could set aside this time for prayer at home.
Prayer Walking
We believe our community is blessed by the church praying for its life and needs at significant positions around the town, so we have monthly ‘Prayer Walks’, usually being out for about 45 mins on the THIRD Wednesday.
Prayer Vigils and special times of reflection
Recognising that it is good to mark certain moments in the Christian calendar such as Advent and Holy Week, time and space will be set aside for contemplation and reflection.
And there will be more… Prayer Breakfasts, Prayer Spaces and
Labyrinths or whatever creative idea we may come up with!
Praying together
As we nurture our growth as the family of Wellspring, personal prayer will be offered following our services each week, beginning on Sunday 30th April. Members of the worship leaders’ group will be available to pray with anyone who expresses the desire to receive this ministry, with a few back seats near the AV unit set apart for this purpose. Other private spaces are available if needed.
Personal Prayer
Kevin is available for personal conversation and prayer for anyone who would like this.
01629 823020
[email protected]
We do hope you will feel you can be part of our growing together in
prayer and we will know God at work amongst us.
Prayer Zone - August 2024
Wednesday 7th August Zoom Prayer
Wednesday 21st August Prayer Walk
Wednesday 28th August 10.00 a.m. Ecumenical Communion at St Mary’s
Online meetings will be held at:
The Prayer Walk will start from the church front gate.
Jesus taught his followers to pray. The earliest church devoted itself to prayer. The apostle Paul even challenged the young church to ‘pray without ceasing’!
Prayer can be anytime and anywhere; it may be silent, sung or spoken; with others or alone. It may find many other expressions.
At Wellspring we set aside time and space to pray together. Our chosen banner ‘Prayer Zone’ suggests that the times and places will vary, and they may even be beyond the confines of our building. Our Prayer Zone will be when and where we are together in prayer.
Wednesday Prayer
We meet at 9.30 a.m. every Wednesday to pray together for our church family, our local community and beyond.
For three weeks of the month this will take place on Zoom and following an order for daily prayer such as The Methodist Prayer Handbook or The Northumbria Community. If you are not able to join us then perhaps see if you could set aside this time for prayer at home.
Prayer Walking
We believe our community is blessed by the church praying for its life and needs at significant positions around the town, so we have monthly ‘Prayer Walks’, usually being out for about 45 mins on the THIRD Wednesday.
Prayer Vigils and special times of reflection
Recognising that it is good to mark certain moments in the Christian calendar such as Advent and Holy Week, time and space will be set aside for contemplation and reflection.
And there will be more… Prayer Breakfasts, Prayer Spaces and
Labyrinths or whatever creative idea we may come up with!
Praying together
As we nurture our growth as the family of Wellspring, personal prayer will be offered following our services each week, beginning on Sunday 30th April. Members of the worship leaders’ group will be available to pray with anyone who expresses the desire to receive this ministry, with a few back seats near the AV unit set apart for this purpose. Other private spaces are available if needed.
Personal Prayer
Kevin is available for personal conversation and prayer for anyone who would like this.
01629 823020
[email protected]
We do hope you will feel you can be part of our growing together in
prayer and we will know God at work amongst us.
Prayer Zone - August 2024
Wednesday 7th August Zoom Prayer
Wednesday 21st August Prayer Walk
Wednesday 28th August 10.00 a.m. Ecumenical Communion at St Mary’s
Online meetings will be held at:
The Prayer Walk will start from the church front gate.