Wellspring's online worship services for August 2020 are different in that there is just one order/sequence to cover all five of the Sundays.
The main components are :
(a) An Outline structure containing prayers and other elements. See below. (b) Lectionary readings (c) Songs from which you can choose 1-2 each week (d) 'Short Stories' which Paul Heppleston has recorded, each reflecting 'God-in-action' in some way and from which you can choose one (or more) each week.
The song words as a paper copy will have been distributed separately to homes - or emailed with the news-sheet from the end of July.
The Song accompanimentsand Story recordingson this page will also be available on a CD for those who wish to have that as their means of accessing the material.
The service (below) will also be available in printed form. Use this same sequence for each Sunday in August.
T h e s e r v i c e
Welcome Jesus said: ‘come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest’ (Matthew 11:28) The month of August is traditionally our summer holiday period, though this year may be a little different… but it is important for us to rest. This is, after all, the principle of Sabbath.So during our times together let’s try to rest in the presence of Almighty God and we will surely be blessed. The words that follow in bold are responses so if you are able to share this service with someone else, say them together; if not then speak them and know that we are all sharing together in these words.
Celebrating the presence of God
The Lord is here. His Spirit is with us. Holy God, Holy and Mighty One, Holy and Strong One, Abide in us. Holy God, Holy and Incarnate One Holy and Indwelling One, Abide in us. Holy God, Holy and Life-giving One, Holy and Guiding One, Abide in us.
Singing together : SONG 1 (choose from list)
Acknowledging our humanity Life-giving God, with gladness we acknowledge that in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ you have interrupted our lives with your grace: a new beginning has been announced and the world will never be the same. Forgive us when we continue to live in the old ways, paralyzed with fear, not daring to believe our eyes, denying life. Living Lord, come to us,as you came to your first disciples: surprise us with your peace and forgiveness and continue in us your work of transformation. Lord have mercy Christ have mercy
Listening for the Word of God (1) This week’s Lectionary readings, from a Psalm and a Gospel.
Reflecting upon life
THE STORY (choose one from the list)
Listening for the Word of God (2) This week’s Lectionary readings, from the O.T. and an epistle.
Bringing our concerns No part of our world is unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic, so naturally our prayers during this time will be coloured by the impact of this crisis.
Prayer Gracious God rejoicing in your blessings, trusting in your loving care for all, we bring you our prayers for the world.
We pray for the created world: for those who rebuild where things have been destroyed; for those who fight hunger, poverty and disease; for those who have power to bring change for the better and to renew hope.
We pray for our country: for those in leadership; who frame our laws and shape our common life; who keep the peace and administer justice; for those who teach and those who heal; for all who serve the community.
We pray for people in need: those for whom life is a bitter struggle; those whose lives are clouded by death or loss, by pain or disability, by discouragement or fear, by shame or rejection.
We pray for those in the circle of friendship and love around us: children and parents; sisters and brothers; friends and neighbours; and for those especially in our thoughts today....
We pray for the church in its stand with the poor, in its love for the outcast and the ashamed, in its service to the sick and the neglected, in its proclamation of the Gospel, in this land and in this place.
In the life of our world, in the life of our land, in the lives of those in need, in the lives of those we love in the life of your church, Your kingdom come, O Lord, Your will be done.
The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours now and for ever. Amen
Singing together - SONG 2
A blessing
On our heads and our homes The Blessing of God In our coming and going The Blessing of God In our life and believing The Blessing of God In our resting The Blessing of God Amen
'Celebrating the presence of God' from The Rhythm of Life by David Adam 'Acknowledging our humanity' from Order for Baptist Ministry 'Bringing our concerns' a prayer from Gathering for Worship 'Blessing' - adapted from The Iona Community
August 2nd Isaiah 55.1-5; Psalm 145.8-9,14-21; Romans 9.1-5; Matthew 14.13-21
August 9th 1 Kings 19.9-18; Psalm 85.8-13; Romans 10.5-15; Matthew 14.22-33
August 16th Isaiah 56.1,6-8; Psalm 67; Romans 11.1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15.(10-20),21-28
August 23rd Isaiah 51.1-6; Psalm 138; Romans 12.1-8; Matthew 16.13-20
August 30th Jeremiah 15.15-21; Psalm 26.1-8; Romans 12.9-21; Matthew 16.21-28