Covid-19 : prayer and inspiration in a time of challenge
Covid-19 is part of our lives and its effects are likely to reverberate through global society for years to come.
"Life will never be the same again" - an oft-repeated sentence which is in itself a challenge to us all.
This page will therefore attempt to give us encouragement and glimpses of reality and hope. It will be a developed as the weeks pass by.
There will also be songs that can heal and enable us to hear Jesus' voice saying "Come to me..."
Click here to reach the Songs/Video-file page.
"Life will never be the same again" - an oft-repeated sentence which is in itself a challenge to us all.
This page will therefore attempt to give us encouragement and glimpses of reality and hope. It will be a developed as the weeks pass by.
There will also be songs that can heal and enable us to hear Jesus' voice saying "Come to me..."
Click here to reach the Songs/Video-file page.
The healing (Kitty O'Meara)
Change (Michael Leunig)
"God help us to change.
To change ourselves and to change our world. To know the need for it. To deal with the pain of it. To feel the joy of it. To undertake the journey without understanding the destination. This is the art of gentle revolution" Safety (Anon.) Lord, throw us your healing life-belt that we may float calmly on the disturbed waters of life. Keep our heads above water and our eyes fixed on the blue sky of your presence and enfolding arms. The Quiet Pool (Joy Cowley) There is within each of us a quiet clear pool of living water fed by the one deep Source and inseparable from it, but so often hidden by a tangle of activity that we may not know of its existence. We can spend the proverbial forty years wandering in strange deserts, sinking unrewarding wells and moving on, driven by our thirst, but when we stop still long enough to look inside ourselves, really look beyond our ideas about water and what and where it should be, we discover it was with us all the time, that quiet clear pool which is ageless, the meaning of our existence, and the answer to all our wanderings. And as we drink, we know what Jesus meant when he said we’d never be thirsty again. ‘Aotearoa Psalms’ |