January 24th 2021
‘I am the vine, you are the branches’
Image credit : jplenio on Pixabay As we gather let’s reflect upon the words of Jesus in the upper room:
Living Love, beginning and end, giver of food and drink, clothing and warmth, love and hope: life in all its goodness we praise and adore you. Jesus, Wisdom and Word; lover of outcasts, friend of the poor; one of us, yet one with God; crucified and risen: life in the midst of death we praise and adore you. Holy Spirit, storm and breath of love; bridge-builder, eye-opener, unseen and unexpected, untameable energy of life we praise and adore you. Holy Trinity, forever one, whose nature is community; source of all sharing, in whom we love, and meet, and know our neighbour: life in all its fullness, making all things new we praise and adore you. Listen to this sung version of the Lord’s Prayer Father in Heaven [BPW 590] Reflection: 'The Vine'
Go-between God, bridge-builder, community-maker: You call us, your Church, to be a laboratory of peace: accept our sorrow for the hostilities we harbour and the walls we continue to build. You call us, your Church, to be a parable of your kingdom: accept our sorrow for telling a very different story: a story of attachment to worldly values. You call us, your Church, to be a sign of contradiction: accept our sorrow for being content with the way things are and fearful of speaking the prophetic word. You call us, your Church, to be a place of welcome and warmth: accept our sorrow for sour faces, cold hands, judgmental attitudes and lack of compassion. You call us, your Church, to be a community of praise: accept our sorrow for allowing anxiety about human failures to muzzle confidence in your power to transform the world. Now take a moment to bring your own prayers before God Song: In heavenly love abiding [MP 331]
Click on the title above and watch full screen. (Note that adverts might precede the song) Blessing Lord God, we thank you for calling us into the company of those who trust in Christ and seek to obey his will. May your Spirit guide and strengthen us in mission and service to your world; for we are strangers no longer but pilgrims together on the way to your kingdom. [Collect for Christian Unity] Acknowledgements Prayers from ‘Gathering for Worship’ Patterns and Prayers for the Community of Disciples © BUGB 2007 Used with permission Father, we love You Words & Music: Donna Adkins © 1976Maranatha! Music / CopyCare Father in Heaven Words: Stella Read (from the Lord’s Prayer) Music: Bunessan © URC from New Church Praise, 1975 You are the vine Words & Music: Danny Daniels & Randy Rigby © 1982 Mercy / Vineyard Publishing / CopyCare In Heavenly Love Abiding Words: Anna L Waring Music: Penlan Public Domain 'We shall meet'- a 'song for Covid'. We shall have this link every week for the next while. Original words and music Hans Olav Mørk (Norway)
© Words: 2020 WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland © Music: John Bell, WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland CCLI Song Number: 7153725 Wellspring CCLI licence no. 571370 |
S O N G S & S T O R I E S SONGS AND STORIES will be removed from this location by 29th January and be relocated elsewhere in the website; watch this space for details. Songs for August Additional songs for September