January 31st 2021
'The beginning....'
However slowly, winter is passing; tomorrow is the first day of February! And in the cold, dark earth there are signs of life, like these snowdrops emerging from the snow. This photo, entitled ‘The Beginning..’ was posted on facebook by Matthew Taylor of Dales Gardening, and its used with his permission.
However slowly, winter is passing; tomorrow is the first day of February! And in the cold, dark earth there are signs of life, like these snowdrops emerging from the snow. This photo, entitled ‘The Beginning..’ was posted on facebook by Matthew Taylor of Dales Gardening, and its used with his permission.
He told me that there are thousands of bulbs planted in the North End Cemetery, just waiting for the right time to emerge and blossom.
We thank God for signs of new life, and of his faithfulness as the earth renews itself
God, your glory fills the whole earth
and your power is beyond measuring.
Your gifts are good and perfect,
your love is more than we can know
and your grace is enough for everything.
We praise you and thank you for the beauty of
your creation, even in the depths of winter. Amen
and your power is beyond measuring.
Your gifts are good and perfect,
your love is more than we can know
and your grace is enough for everything.
We praise you and thank you for the beauty of
your creation, even in the depths of winter. Amen
Hymn: I sing the almighty power of God (MP 293)
Isaac Watts in the public domain
Isaac Watts in the public domain
Reading: Psalm 111
The psalmist invites us to give thanks to the Lord with our whole heart, in the congregation. Sadly, we can’t meet together to worship, but we can still pray:
Lord Jesus, who walks beside us each day,
we confess our need of you and your loving presence
as we live out these days of lockdown.
Come to us, draw near to us, we pray
In the silence, bring to God all that has been good during this week…………………and all that you have found hard…….
Lord Jesus, who walks beside us each day,
we confess our need of you and your loving presence
as we live out these days of lockdown.
Come to us, draw near to us, we pray
In the silence, bring to God all that has been good during this week…………………and all that you have found hard…….
Song: To be in your presence (MP 951)
Noel Richards ©1991 Kingsway Thankyou Music
Noel Richards ©1991 Kingsway Thankyou Music
Reading: Mark 1:21-28
In the reading today, we move a long way from our pandemic-ravaged world, and from our cold, dark days to the town of Capernaum on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. And we meet Jesus, at the beginning of his public ministry:
In the reading today, we move a long way from our pandemic-ravaged world, and from our cold, dark days to the town of Capernaum on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. And we meet Jesus, at the beginning of his public ministry:
Jenny’s reflection Making an Impression
Meditation: Lord to whom shall we go?
Think of all that attracts you about Jesus; the times his authority is breath-taking; all that is challenging and all that is comforting…..
Recall times in your life when you have been astounded and amazed by his presence with you
Lord Jesus, we too want to say, ‘we have believed
and have come to know that you are the holy one of God.’
Forgive us when familiarity with the gospels
dulls our sense of wonder.
Forgive us when our own words or actions
don’t match what we know of you.
Forgive us when we jump to wrong conclusions about
people, or when we are carried away by appearances.
Rekindle in us the sense of awe that responds,
‘Who is this?’
And so lead us to worship.
Song: Jesus, lover of my soul (MP 997)
Noel Richards ©1991 Kingsway Thankyou Music
Think of all that attracts you about Jesus; the times his authority is breath-taking; all that is challenging and all that is comforting…..
Recall times in your life when you have been astounded and amazed by his presence with you
Lord Jesus, we too want to say, ‘we have believed
and have come to know that you are the holy one of God.’
Forgive us when familiarity with the gospels
dulls our sense of wonder.
Forgive us when our own words or actions
don’t match what we know of you.
Forgive us when we jump to wrong conclusions about
people, or when we are carried away by appearances.
Rekindle in us the sense of awe that responds,
‘Who is this?’
And so lead us to worship.
Song: Jesus, lover of my soul (MP 997)
Noel Richards ©1991 Kingsway Thankyou Music
Prayers for others
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory
Lord, we come to you at the end of January, grateful for signs of hope, but anxious because of all that troubles us:
We pray for the governments of nations; thankful for a new regime in the USA, troubled by protests and violent unrest in Russia. We long that those with power may follow your example, and rule with dignity and compassion, caring for their people, with justice and equality for all
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory
We pray for our nation and government; for wisdom as they face many challenges; on-going pressure on hospitals, the roll-out of the vaccine, concern for education as schools remain closed, financial difficulties as businesses falter, the uncertain consequences of Brexit
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory
We pray for the church, united in common purpose,
to encourage and care for people, to pray for and serve
our local communities. We continue to pray for our Annex building work, for the team from Derwent Construction, working in all weathers.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory
There are many people who need our prayers – read through the names on this week’s newsletter, asking that God will being healing and comfort, endurance and hope, whatever is needed by each person. We pray also for our own families, and friends and for our own needs.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory
Hymn: Name of all Majesty (MP 481)
© Timothy Dudley Smith
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless before the presence of
His glory with exceeding joy; to God our Saviour, who alone
is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
Both now and forever. Jude 24,25
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless before the presence of
His glory with exceeding joy; to God our Saviour, who alone
is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power,
Both now and forever. Jude 24,25
Hopton Hall Snowdrops 15th February 2019
S O N G S & S T O R I ES
SONGS AND STORIES have been moved from this location.
They can now be found on their own pages by following the links below.
Songs & Stories
SONGS AND STORIES have been moved from this location.
They can now be found on their own pages by following the links below.
Songs & Stories
'We shall meet'- a 'song for Covid'.
We shall have this link every week for the next
few weeks at least.
We shall have this link every week for the next
few weeks at least.
Original words and music Hans Olav Mørk (Norway)
© Words: 2020 WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland
© Music: John Bell, WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland
CCLI Song Number: 7153725 Wellspring CCLI licence no. 571370
© Words: 2020 WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland
© Music: John Bell, WGRG, c/o Iona Community, Glasgow, Scotland
CCLI Song Number: 7153725 Wellspring CCLI licence no. 571370