WELCOME! Following the national Lockdown announcement which began on 5th November Wellspring now offers online worship for all of the November Sundays.
Especially for November 8th (Remembrance Sunday) there is a video-recording available below of a service compiled by Churches Together in Wirksworth and District. Click here to watch St Mary's service for today, Remembrance Sunday. Wellspring's online 'worship-at-home'. The online worship pattern for November is different. This month there will be three kinds of worship spread through the five Sundays. 1st & 8th November The service is contained in this YouTube film 15th November (our Annual Congregational Meeting day) there will be a short reflection here on Remembrance. 22nd and 29th November A second YouTube presentation will take us up to Advent Sunday. But always available are Songs and Stories for you to sing along to or just listen to, as and when you please. New ones have been added for November. |
November Lectionary readings 1st Micah 3.5-12 Psalm 43 1 Thessalonians 2.9-13 Matthew 23.1-12 8th Wisdom of Solomon 6.12-16 or Amos 5.18-24 Wisdom of Solomon 6.17-20 or Psalm 70 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 Matthew 25.1-13 15th Zephaniah 1.7,12-18 Psalm 90.1-8,(9-11),12 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 Matthew 25.14-30 22nd Ezekiel 34.11-16,20-24 Psalm 95.1-7a Ephesians 1.15-23 Matthew 25.31-46 29th (Advent Sunday) Isaiah 64.1-9 Psalm 80.1-7,17-19 1 Corinthians 1.3-9 Mark 13.24-37 S O N G S Click here for the words to each month's songs. However, very shortly they will disappear from that page because copyright organisations now do not permit lyrics on a website. It may be that a song booklet for Coved-19 will be produced before Christmas. Songs for August Additional songs for September