Wellspring has two styles of service planned for each October Sunday.
Worship in our chapel building at 1030 On 18th October that gathering will be a repeat of the Harvest service of 11th. The recording of that service is here :
On 25th Octoberour minister led a Communion service; the recording is here:
Wellspring's online 'worship-at-home'.
The online worship for October is below and, as in earlier months, there is one order to cover all of the Sundays.
The worship sequence below is revised each month, but with additional Songs & Stories. The main components (below) provide a framework for Sunday worship which can be used for each week in October.
(a) An Outline structure containing prayers and other elements. See below. (b) Lectionary readings (c) Songs from which you can choose 1-2 each week (d) 'Short Stories' which Paul Heppleston has recorded, each reflecting 'God-in-action' in some way and from which you might choose one (or more) each week.
The song words as a paper copy will have been distributed separately to homes without internet access - or emailed with the news-sheet around October 2nd. 'Songs-on-a-CD' will also have been delivered at that time.
The Song accompanimentsand Story recordingson this page will also be available on a CD for those who wish to have that as their means of accessing the material.
T h e s e r v i c e
Welcome This month we celebrate Harvest, giving thanks for all God’s faithful provision, and remember that as stewards of the Earth’s resources we are expected to share.
Celebrating the presence of God Creator God, we thank you today for the splendour and beauty of creation; for the ordered succession of seasons; for your love which made the world. We thank you for the good and fertile earth; for the fruits of the earth in their seasons; for the life that sustains our life; for the food that we daily enjoy. Loving God, we thank you for the gift of yourself in Jesus, our Saviour and Lord; for his living, dying, and rising again in your loving redemption of the world. Life-giving God, we thank you for your Holy Spirit, the giver of life; for the Church, a foretaste of your new creation, and for our privilege in being part of it.
Singing together - SONG 1 (choose from the list)
Acknowledging our humanity You have made more than enough and your love and care are prodigal; but now we confess that we have been blind to the beauty, selfish in our stewardship and arrogant in our taking and using of what is not ours. Our hands have been closed when they should have be open in sharing, our hearts have been cold when they should have been warm with your love, and all we have created is chaos and distress. Forgive us, that our brothers and sisters are hungry; forgive us, that we have exploited your world when we should have cared for it. Send your Spirit to move over and among us to make a new creation in Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.
Listening for the Word of God From this week’s Lectionary readings - a Psalm and a Gospel.
Reflecting upon life - THE STORY
Listening for the Word of God From this week’s Lectionary readings - the Old Testament and the Epistle
Bringing our concerns No part of our world is unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic, so naturally our prayers during this time will be coloured by the impact of this crisis.
Prayers for our world and for others Loving Lord, we pray for those who have no harvest to celebrate, no crops to gather, or labour to pursue. We pray for those who live on land that is hard to farm, scratching out a living in a hostile soil, amidst rocky ground and scorching earth.
We pray for those who scratch no living from the earth, where the whole world seems to squeeze the life from their bodies.
We pray for those who have left their homes, driven by war or want, to become refugees, aliens dependent on others.
We pray for those without work: women and men made redundant by changing needs, children living off their wits in the streets of sprawling cities.
We pray for those with no energy for praise, whose bread is bitterness and whose water is tears.
We confess our part in the sin of the world and pray that you might grant us a vision of justice as well as charity and strengthen our readiness to change as well as to help; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Gracious God, your Son Jesus Christ fed the hungry with the bread of life and the Word of your kingdom. Renew your people with your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your true and living bread, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Pause for a moment or two to remember before God the Wellspring family and our community of Wirksworth.....
The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours now and for ever. Amen
Singing together - SONG 2
Blessing The holy and life giving God, teach you to reverence all his works, to praise him in all you do, to share in his work of creation, and to live to his glory. Amen
Celebrating the presence of God - from Gathering for Worship Acknowledging our humanity - from Gathering for Worship Bringing our concerns - prayers from Gathering for Worship and The Methodist Worship Book Blessing - from The Rhythm of Life by David Adam
October Lectionary readings
4th Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80;7-15; Philippians 13:4b-14; Matthew 21:.33-46
11th Isaiah 25:1-9; Psalm 23;Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14