WELCOME! Wellspring has two styles of service planned for each September Sunday.
1 Worship in our chapel building at 1030. 2 Wellspring's online 'worship-at-home'. Both are here on this page and, as in August, there is just one order to cover all of the Sundays. The worship sequence below has been revised for September, with additional Songs and Stories. The main components are : (a) An Outline structure containing prayers and other elements. See below. (b) Lectionary readings (c) Songs from which you can choose 1-2 each week (d) 'Short Stories' which Paul Heppleston has recorded, each reflecting 'God-in-action' in some way and from which you might choose one (or more) each week. The song words as a paper copy will have been distributed separately to homes - or emailed with the news-sheet around September 11th.. The Song accompaniments and Story recordings on this page will also be available on a CD for those who wish to have that as their means of accessing the material. The service (below) will also be available in printed form. Use this same sequence for each Sunday in September. T h e s e r v i c e Welcome The month of September is kept by the Church as Creation Time when, aware of the wonders of the world around us as well as its fragility, we focus on God as creator, provider and healer of this earth. Any words that follow in bold are responses so if you are able to share this service with someone else, say them together; if not then speak them and know that we are all sharing together in these words. Celebrating the presence of God ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it’. (John 1:1-5 - NRSV) Creator, Father of all you give us life, you give us love, you give us yourself. Help us to give our lives, our love, ourselves, to You. Singing together : SONG 1 (choose from list) Acknowledging our humanity Giver of life and all that is good, all that is very good, when we have covered our eyes and stopped our ears to creation’s beauty and cry: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Where we have stayed our hand from creation’s care and flourishing: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Silence Give us grace to work and live, play and dance on earth today as grateful and joyful daughters and sons of God, walking with and watching over one another and all things : Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Listening for the Word of God (1) This week’s Lectionary readings, from a Psalm and a Gospel. Reflecting upon life THE STORY (choose one from the list) Listening for the Word of God (2) This week’s Lectionary readings, from the O.T. and an epistle. Bringing our concerns No part of our world is unaffected by the Covid-19 pandemic, so naturally our prayers during this time will be coloured by the impact of this crisis. Prayer God of kindness, you gave your only Son, because you loved the world so much. We pray for the peace of the world. Move among us by your Spirit, break down barriers of fear, suspicion, and hatred. Heal the human family of its divisions and unite it in the bonds of justice and peace. We pray for our country. Enrich our common life; strengthen the forces of truth and goodness; teach us to share prosperity, that those whose lives are impoverished may pass from need and despair to dignity and joy. We pray for those who suffer. Surround them with your love, support them with your strength, console them with your comfort, and give them hope and courage beyond themselves. We pray for our families, for those whom we love. Protect them at home; support them in times of difficulty and anxiety, that they may grow together in mutual love and understanding, and rest content in one another. We pray for the Church. Keep her true to the Gospel and responsive to the gifts and needs of all. Make known your saving power in Jesus Christ by the witness of her faith, her worship and her life. Lord our God, you renew the face of the earth and bring newness to our world: restore the waters, refresh the air, revive the land, breathe new life into all your creation, and begin with us. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours now and for ever. Amen Singing together - SONG 2 A blessing The blessings of heaven, the blessings of earth, the blessings of sea and of sky. On those we love this day and on every human family the gifts of heaven, the gifts of earth, the gifts of sea and of sky. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen Acknowledgements Celebrating the presence of God - from The Rhythm of Life by David Adam Acknowledging our humanity - from Order for Baptist Ministry Bringing our concerns - prayers from Gathering for Worship & The Rhythm of Life Blessing - from CelticTreasure by John Philip Newell |
Chapel worship Sept 27th 'at-home' online service is a special YouTube presentation put together by Paul Heppleston to mark Creation Sunday. The link for that presentation is here. Also on Oct.4th Paul will lead worship in Wellspring, based on that YouTube presentation. Extra songs for September STORIES Extra stories for September |