W H A T ' S O N
Here's our News-sheet for the w/b 15th May
What's on this week?
Sunday 15th May
10.30 a.m. Morning Worship - led by Barbara Wilson
6.00 p.m. Christian Aid United Service (at Wellspring)
Tuesday 17th May
9.30 a.m. Prayer Walk
10.00 a.m. Coffee Stop
6.00 p.m. Girls’ & Boys’ Brigade (in the hall & café space)
Wednesday 18th May
11.00 a.m. Funeral of Harry Gould
3.00 p.m. Christian Aid Afternoon Tea (at Waltham House)
Saturday 21st May
10.30 a.m. Congregational Meeting (in the worship space)
Sunday 22nd May 10.30 a.m.
Morning Worship with Communion Led by Revd Kevin Price
(we welcome our friends from Cromford Methodist Church)
6.30 p.m. Easter Offering Service (at Darley Dale Methodist Church)
Coming Up:
23rd - 28th May: Well Dressing Week
24th May: Funeral of Ethel Taylor at Wellspring – 11.00 a.m.
26th May: Funeral of Margaret Pearson at St Mary’s – 1.30 p.m.
28th May: Blessing of the Wells – 10.30 a.m.
29th May: Afternoon Service at Waltham House - 4.00 p.m.