Wellspring Worship - Sunday 31st May
(prepared by Kevin Price)
As well as clicking on the above link for today's
worship time, please do read the sections below;
they are all there for a purpose.
Here's our News-sheet for the w/b May 31st 2020
Prayer Zone is online via Zoom this Tuesday June 2nd.
Bible Month
The Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust (LWPT) began its life in 1849 as a charity which provided financial and other assistance to Methodist and Wesleyan Reform Local Preachers and their families. It is linked to the Methodist Church and (over 170 years later) now hosts the Bible Month resources created by Methodist Church groups. This year the subject is the book of Ruth and Kevin will bring a message to all June’s online services, covering (neatly) the four chapters over the four Sundays.
'Thy Kingdom Come'
This CoE-led initiative calls for world-wide prayer between Ascension and Pentecost - ten days of prayer that more people will come to see the significance of God in their lives. There is more information available, especially about their Prayer and Care resources. Many resources are available of them you may find this Methodist-link useful to guide you in daily prayer during this key week in our Christian calendar.
A thought for these Pentecost weeks...
"Then he isn't safe?" said Lucy.
"Safe?" said Mr Beaver..." Of course he isn't safe! But he's good. He's the King.
T h r e e n e w p a g e s o n t h i s w e b s i t e
On these two new pages (below) there will be an increasing number of prayerful/inspirational readings and songs (plus YouTube video links) to help us to connect with God beside us on our journey through this crisis. And in doing so let us not forget that a 'Crisis' can also be the springboard for 'Opportunity' - and for Change.
Archive.....listen again to services from past Sundays etc.