Ecochurch 1
Ecochurch is an initiative of A Rocha (https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/) and one which Wellspring has embraced wholly. Over the past year both Trustees and congregation have been involved in formulating policy and plans.
The encouragement that the Ecochurch scheme gives to churches (and thereby to individuals) is huge and comes in the form of looking at five areas of our corporate life with a view to becoming more responsible citizens.
Worship and Teaching
Global and local community links
These relate to the current climate crisis in a very powerful way and it is appropriate that Wellspring has begun to tackle the problem at this juncture.
Each of these has been looked at in detail and changes made to our common life together in each category.
Worth highlighting are the Plastic Audit with which we are engaging in conjunction with the rest of Wirksworth as we try to become a 'plastic-free town' - and the progress made in moving towards making our North End Cemetery a place for wildlife - and for people to come and rest and take a breather in the middle of this busy town.
In addition we need to accept this fact :
'there is only so much that any group or individual can do and we must not expect quick results - though recent IPCC predictions rather demand speed of change. We are simply called, as Christ-followers, to do our best.'
Various documents have been produced over the year and links to these can be found by clicking on the relevant name in the list below.
Introductory document - setting out the Ecochurch idea
Climate Concerns - some basic facts and figures
Wellspring energy consumption - 2018-19
Project Care - November 2019
U P D A T E C h r i s t m a s 2019
Over the past few months, we have been working steadily on assessing our lifestyle, land, buildings etc against Ecochurch criteria. But there are some matters on which we cannot move at all eg double-glazing on the church and hall, but there are others on which we can make some progress and we are exploring those actively.
We are just about ready to submit our application for a BRONZE award and it will take only a few small improvements to lift us up to SILVER.
The key to all of this is that whatever standard we achieve we must not let things slip backwards.
Complacency is a dangerous thing and we must keep on our toes all the time to maintain whatever level
we achieve.
Update (March 2020)
After a huge amount of work, we have submitted our application for a Bronze
award from A Rocha and hope to hear by the end of March. Well done to all those who have contributed in any way to bring us to this point in the process.
There will be another follow-up challenge to come...
Update (3rd April 2020)
We have just been awarded the SILVER level award!!