Wellspring Worship on Sunday 7th June
(prepared by Jenny Few)
As well as clicking on the above link for today's
worship time, please do read the sections below;
they are all there for a purpose.
Here's our News-sheet for the w/b June 7th 2020
Prayer Zone is online via Zoom this Tuesday June 9th, which is also St Columba's Day.
June is Bible Month
The Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust (LWPT) began its life in 1849 as a charity which provided financial and other assistance to Methodist and Wesleyan Reform Local Preachers and their families. It is linked to the Methodist Church and (over 170 years later) now hosts the Bible Month resources created by Methodist Church groups. This year the subject is the book of Ruth and Kevin will bring a message to all June’s online services, covering (neatly) the four chapters over the four Sundays.
T h r e e n e w p a g e s o n t h i s w e b s i t e
On these three new pages (below) there will be an increasing number of prayerful/inspirational readings and songs (plus YouTube video links) to help us to connect with God beside us on our journey through this crisis. And in doing so let's not forget that a 'Crisis' can also be the springboard for 'Opportunity' - and for Change.
There is also an archive of previous online services and other material.
Archive.....listen again to services from past Sundays etc.
Methodist Housing Association - Sunday 14th June
Join them for a virtual MHA Sunday Service at 3pm. This will be a service of remembrance, focusing on the kindness shown by our colleagues and volunteers at this time. The service will remain online available for you to watch anytime. The link to the service will be here in due course.
A thought for these weeks...
"Then he isn't safe?" said Lucy.
"Safe?" said Mr Beaver..." Of course he isn't safe! But he's good. He's the King.
(C S Lewis)
Care and Concern, Worship and Reflections from other sources
From the Methodist Church nationally - worship resources.
From the Northumbria Community - a morning office and an evening office
From the Anglican Team in Wirksworth - an invitation to join their short services at 9am and 5pm daily. You will need to join Zoom to share with those who will also be sharing from their own homes. See the bottom of this page for more info on this video conferencing platform.
A weekly prayer guide from Wellspring is also available for you to use each day.
You may like the four 10-15 minute reflections (and a song) led by Pete Greig. He leads the 24/7 Prayer initiative and among his popular books is 'God on mute', a title which would surely resonate with many of us.
Find out about it at : https://zoom.us/
The Prayer Zone meeting ID code will be 344 296 0403
The Anglican sharing of the Morning and Evening office has the ID code 273 224 1372
Remember ---- that if you have trouble setting it up, phone Kevin for help. Once you get the hang of it problems fade and it is likely that for the next while there will be more Wellspring gatherings done via Zoom.